Does the Takeover Bids Directive Need Revision?

19 Pages Posted: 9 Feb 2010

See all articles by Joseph A. McCahery

Joseph A. McCahery

Tilburg University - School of Law; European Banking Center (EBC); Tilburg Law and Economics Center (TILEC); European Corporate Governance Institute (ECGI)

Erik P. M. Vermeulen

Tilburg University - Department of Business Law; Signify (formerly known as Philips Lighting) - Legal Department; Tilburg Law and Economics Center (TILEC); European Corporate Governance Institute (ECGI); Kyushu University - Graduate School of Law

Date Written: February 4, 2010


Does the Takeover Bids Directive need revision? The answer to this question will most likely affect the Commission’s assessment of the Directive in 2011 and could initiate its revision. Proponents of such a revision urge the Commission to redress the shortcomings of the Directive’s implementation in two ways: 1) revising the mandatory provisions of the Directive making them less easily to avoid; and 2) creating new provisions that would weaken incumbent managers’ lock on control that would make corporate control more contestable. In this short essay, however, we show that the Commission’s opt out strategy has proved, in practice, to be remarkably popular with Member States and does not need any further discussion.

Keywords: Takeover Bids Directive, Market for Corporate Control, EU Lawmaking, Mandatory Bid Rule, Board Neutrality, Break Through Rule

JEL Classification: K2, G34, G38

Suggested Citation

McCahery, Joseph A. and Vermeulen, Erik P.M., Does the Takeover Bids Directive Need Revision? (February 4, 2010). TILEC Discussion Paper No. 2010-006, Tilburg Law School Research Paper No. 005/2010, Available at SSRN: or

Joseph A. McCahery

Tilburg University - School of Law; European Banking Center (EBC) ( email )

Warandelaan 2
Tilburg, 5000 LE
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Tilburg Law and Economics Center (TILEC)

Warandelaan 2
Tilburg, 5000 LE

European Corporate Governance Institute (ECGI)

c/o the Royal Academies of Belgium
Rue Ducale 1 Hertogsstraat
1000 Brussels


Erik P.M. Vermeulen (Contact Author)

Tilburg University - Department of Business Law ( email )

Signify (formerly known as Philips Lighting) - Legal Department ( email )

Amstelplein 2

Tilburg Law and Economics Center (TILEC)

Warandelaan 2
Tilburg, 5000 LE

European Corporate Governance Institute (ECGI) ( email )

c/o the Royal Academies of Belgium
Rue Ducale 1 Hertogsstraat
1000 Brussels

Kyushu University - Graduate School of Law ( email )

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Fukuoka, Fukuoka 812-8581

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