Strategic Entrepreneurship: The Role of Strategic Planning and Marketing in SMEs
BUSINESS ACROSS BORDERS IN THE 21ST CENTURY, G. Ogunmokun, R.Gabbay, & J. Rose, eds. Academy of World Business, Marketing & Management Development, 2006
Posted: 5 Apr 2010 Last revised: 8 Apr 2010
Date Written: October 4, 2006
This paper proposes a concept called ‘strategic entrepreneurship’ that is grounded in the three academic fields of strategy, entrepreneurship and marketing. Regrettably, those concepts are only rarely or partly applied in SMEs and young ventures. We therefore argue for a synthesis of the disciplines, proposing a construct that includes both the concepts of entrepreneurship and marketing on the basis of strategic management. In this paper, the focus lies on Strategic planning. The paper reviews the empirical studies of strategic planning in SMEs and discusses their implications for strategic entrepreneurship.
Keywords: Strategic Entrepreneurship, Strategy, Entrepreneurship, SME, Planning, Strategic Planning, Success Factors, Strategy Formulation
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