Convertible Bond Arbitrageurs as Suppliers of Capital

Posted: 17 May 2010

See all articles by Darwin Choi

Darwin Choi

Hong Kong University of Science & Technology (HKUST) - Department of Finance

Mila Getmansky Sherman

University of Massachusetts at Amherst - Eugene M. Isenberg School of Management - Department of Finance

Brian J. Henderson

George Washington University - Department of Finance

Heather Tookes

Yale University - Yale School of Management; Yale University - International Center for Finance

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Date Written: June 2010


This article examines the potential impact of capital supply on security issuance. We focus on the role of convertible bond arbitrageurs as suppliers of capital to convertible bond issuers. We estimate a simultaneous equations model of demand and supply of convertible bond capital, linking the time series of aggregate convertible bond issuance to measures of capital supply: convertible bond arbitrage hedge fund flows, returns, and a proxy for arbitrageurs’ use of leverage. We find that issuance is positively and significantly related to increases in all three supply measures. To provide further interpretation, we use the September/October 2008 short-selling ban as a natural experiment to examine the impact of an exogenous shock to the supply of capital from arbitrageurs. Results from both empirical approaches provide evidence that the supply of capital from convertible bond arbitrageurs impacts issuance.

Keywords: G14, G23, G32

Suggested Citation

Choi, Darwin and Getmansky Sherman, Mila and Henderson, Brian Joseph and Tookes, Heather, Convertible Bond Arbitrageurs as Suppliers of Capital (June 2010). The Review of Financial Studies, Vol. 23, Issue 6, pp. 2492-2522, 2010, Available at SSRN: or

Darwin Choi (Contact Author)

Hong Kong University of Science & Technology (HKUST) - Department of Finance ( email )

Clear Water Bay, Kowloon
Hong Kong

Mila Getmansky Sherman

University of Massachusetts at Amherst - Eugene M. Isenberg School of Management - Department of Finance ( email )

Amherst, MA 01003-4910
United States

Brian Joseph Henderson

George Washington University - Department of Finance ( email )

Department of Finance, Funger Hall
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Washington, DC 20052
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202-994-3669 (Phone)

Heather Tookes

Yale University - Yale School of Management ( email )

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P.O. Box 208200
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Yale University - International Center for Finance ( email )

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