Punish, But Not Too Hard: How Costly Punishment Spreads in the Spatial Public Goods Game

New Journal of Physics 12 (2010) 083005

15 Pages Posted: 18 Jul 2010 Last revised: 17 Jan 2012

See all articles by Dirk Helbing

Dirk Helbing

ETH Zürich - Department of Humanities, Social and Political Sciences (GESS)

Attila Szolnoki

Hungarian Academy of Sciences (HAS) - Research Institute for Technical Physics and Materials Science

Matjaz Perc

Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, University of Maribor

Gyorgy Szabo

Hungarian Academy of Sciences (HAS) - Research Institute for Technical Physics and Materials Science

Date Written: April 12, 2010


We study the evolution of cooperation in spatial public goods games where, besides the classical strategies of cooperation (C) and defection (D), we consider punishing cooperators (PC) or punishing defectors (PD) as an additional strategy. Using a minimalist modeling approach, our goal is to separately clarify and identify the consequences of the two punishing strategies. Since punishment is costly, punishing strategies loose the evolutionary competition in case of well-mixed interactions. When spatial interactions are taken into account, however, the outcome can be strikingly different, and cooperation may spread. The underlying mechanism depends on the character of the punishment strategy. In case of cooperating punishers, increasing the fine results in a rising cooperation level. In contrast, in the presence of the PD strategy, the phase diagram exhibits a reentrant transition as the fine is increased. Accordingly, the level of cooperation shows a non-monotonous dependence on the fine. Remarkably, punishing strategies can spread in both cases, but based on largely different mechanisms, which depend on the cooperativeness (or not) of punishers.

Keywords: Costly Punishment, Cooperation, Second-Order Free-Riders

JEL Classification: C70, C72

Suggested Citation

Helbing, Dirk and Szolnoki, Attila and Perc, Matjaz and Szabo, Gyorgy, Punish, But Not Too Hard: How Costly Punishment Spreads in the Spatial Public Goods Game (April 12, 2010). New Journal of Physics 12 (2010) 083005, Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=1641667

Dirk Helbing

ETH Zürich - Department of Humanities, Social and Political Sciences (GESS) ( email )

ETH Zurich - Swiss Federal Institute of Technology
Clausiusstrasse 50
Zurich, 8092

HOME PAGE: http://www.coss.ethz.ch

Attila Szolnoki (Contact Author)

Hungarian Academy of Sciences (HAS) - Research Institute for Technical Physics and Materials Science ( email )

Konkoly-Thege u. 29-33
Budapest, H-1525

Matjaz Perc

Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, University of Maribor ( email )

Koroska cesta 160
Maribor, SI-2000

HOME PAGE: http://www.matjazperc.com/

Gyorgy Szabo

Hungarian Academy of Sciences (HAS) - Research Institute for Technical Physics and Materials Science ( email )

P.O.B. 49
Budapest, H-1525
+36-1 392-2678 (Phone)
+36-1 392-2235 (Fax)

HOME PAGE: http://www.mfa.kfki.hu/~szabo/

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