The Regulation of Private Equity, Hedge Funds and State Funds
Eddy Wymeersch, ed. Alternative Investment Fund Regulation, International Banking and Finance Law Series v. 16, Chap. 17, 401-431, 2012
58 American Journal of Comparative Law - Supplement 1 295-321 (2010)
29 Pages Posted: 9 Aug 2010 Last revised: 14 Jul 2020
Date Written: July 23, 2010
This United States report responds to a questionnaire that the general reporter for the project prepared. The project describes United States law features of hedge funds, private equity funds and sovereign wealth funds and identifies critical current issues in their regulation and governance. The report also includes discussion of recent United States legislation on financial services that affects those pooled investment vehicles.
Keywords: Investment companies, hedge funds, private equity funds, sovereign wealth funds, financial services, securities regulation, derivative products
JEL Classification: E22, G18, G24, N20
Suggested Citation: Suggested Citation