The Role of Mobile Operators in Expanding Access to Finance
CGAP Brief, May 2009
4 Pages Posted: 9 Aug 2010 Last revised: 22 Aug 2010
Date Written: May 1, 2009
Mobile phones may have a huge role to play in expanding access to finance. But does the company that operates the mobile network need to actually provide financial services? Or should others offer financial services, with the mobile operator merely providing the underlying wireless connectivity? The fact that mobile phones can be used as transactional devices doesn’t necessarily mean that the mobile operator needs to "own" the financial service.
Keywords: Mobile Operators, Access to Finance, Microfinance, Branchless Banking
Suggested Citation: Suggested Citation
Mas, Ignacio and Rosenberg, Jim, The Role of Mobile Operators in Expanding Access to Finance (May 1, 2009). CGAP Brief, May 2009, Available at SSRN:
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