Fifty Years of Fiscal Planning and Implementation in the Netherlands

42 Pages Posted: 24 Aug 2010

See all articles by Roel M. W. J. Beetsma

Roel M. W. J. Beetsma

University of Amsterdam - Research Institute in Economics & Econometrics (RESAM); European Commission; Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR); CESifo (Center for Economic Studies and Ifo Institute); Tinbergen Institute; Netspar

Massimo Giuliodori

University of Amsterdam - Faculty of Economics & Econometrics (FEE); Tinbergen Institute

Mark Walschot

affiliation not provided to SSRN

Peter Wierts

Bank for International Settlements (BIS); VU University Amsterdam

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Date Written: August 2010


Using real-time data from the annual budget over the period 1958-2009, we explore the planning and realization of fiscal policy in the Netherlands. Our key findings are the following. First, planned surpluses are on average unbiased, although they are overoptimistic during the first half of the sample and too pessimistic during the second half of the sample. The latter is the result of cautious real-time revenue estimates by the Dutch Ministry of Finance during this period. Second, real growth projections by the official Dutch forecasting agency are unbiased. This contrasts with the experience of the EU as a whole where biased growth projections represent an important source of fiscal slippage. Third, general economic conditions and the state of the public finances are important determinants of both fiscal plans and their implementation. Fourth, this is also the case for political and institutional factors. Expenditure overruns are partly related to political factors, whereas cautious revenue forecasts relate to the institutional setting. In particular, the most recent regime of the “trend-based budget policy” has worked well for fiscal discipline in the Netherlands.

Keywords: fiscal implementation, fiscal planning, institutional factors, political factors, real-time data

JEL Classification: E6, H6

Suggested Citation

Beetsma, Roel M. W. J. and Giuliodori, Massimo and Walschot, Mark and Wierts, Peter, Fifty Years of Fiscal Planning and Implementation in the Netherlands (August 2010). CEPR Discussion Paper No. DP7969, Available at SSRN:

Roel M. W. J. Beetsma (Contact Author)

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Massimo Giuliodori

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Tinbergen Institute ( email )

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Mark Walschot

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Peter Wierts

Bank for International Settlements (BIS) ( email )

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