Micro-Level Determinants of Lecture Attendance and Additional Study-Hours

19 Pages Posted: 30 Aug 2010

See all articles by Martin Ryan

Martin Ryan

University College Dublin (UCD)

Liam Delaney

University College Dublin (UCD) - Geary Institute and Department of Economics

Colm P. Harmon

The University of Sydney - School of Economics; IZA Institute of Labor Economics


This paper uses novel measures of individual differences that produce new insights about student inputs into the (higher) education production function. The inputs examined are lecture attendance and additional study-hours. The data were collected through a web-survey that the authors designed. The analysis includes novel measures of individual differences including willingness to take risks, consideration of future consequences and non-cognitive ability traits. Besides age, gender and year of study, the main determinants of lecture attendance and additional study-hours are attitude to risk, future-orientation and conscientiousness. In addition, future-orientation, and in particular conscientiousness, determine lecture attendance to a greater extent than they determine additional study. Finally, we show that family income and financial transfers (from both parents and the state) do not determine any educational input. This study suggests that non-cognitive abilities may be more important than financial constraints in the determination of inputs related to educational production functions.

Keywords: higher education, education inputs, lecture attendance, hours of study, future-orientation, attitude to risk, non-cognitive ability, conscientiousness

JEL Classification: I21, J2, D90

Suggested Citation

Ryan, Martin and Delaney, Liam D. and Harmon, Colm P., Micro-Level Determinants of Lecture Attendance and Additional Study-Hours. IZA Discussion Paper No. 5144, Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=1667768 or http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.1667768

Martin Ryan

University College Dublin (UCD) ( email )

Belfield, Dublin 4 4

Liam D. Delaney

University College Dublin (UCD) - Geary Institute and Department of Economics ( email )

Newman Building (Room G215)
Belfield, Dublin 4

Colm P. Harmon

The University of Sydney - School of Economics ( email )

Rm 370 Merewether (H04)
The University of Sydney
Sydney, NSW 2006 2008

IZA Institute of Labor Economics

P.O. Box 7240
Bonn, D-53072

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