Fakepress: A Next-Step Publishing House

4 Pages Posted: 16 Oct 2010

See all articles by Luca Simeone

Luca Simeone

Harvard University

Salvatore Iaconesi

Art is Open Source

Federico Ruberti

affiliation not provided to SSRN

Date Written: October 15, 2010


FakePress explores the opportunities for the next-step transformation of publishing practices, designing publications that are disseminated, ubiquitous, multi-author, emergent, open-ended, natively cross-medial, multi-sensorial, relational, emotional. The objective is to disarticulate the form of the book, transforming it into a new form of experience that is designed to be used off bodies, architectures, objects or geographical places, by using ubiquitous, mobile, wearable, embeddable, architecturable technologies and spimes that are able to leverage and give expression to ethnographic insights on communication, cultural networks, emotion, interaction and self-representations.

Keywords: Augmented Reality, Publishing Practices

Suggested Citation

Simeone, Luca and Iaconesi, Salvatore and Ruberti, Federico, Fakepress: A Next-Step Publishing House (October 15, 2010). ESA Research Network Sociology of Culture Midterm Conference: Culture and the Making of Worlds, October 2010, Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=1692812

Luca Simeone (Contact Author)

Harvard University ( email )

1875 Cambridge Street
Cambridge, MA 02138
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Salvatore Iaconesi

Art is Open Source ( email )

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Federico Ruberti

affiliation not provided to SSRN ( email )

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