Resolution of Financial Distress Under Chapter 11

Posted: 12 Dec 2010 Last revised: 8 Nov 2019

See all articles by Amira Annabi

Amira Annabi

Manhattan College; Manhattan College

Michèle Breton

HEC Montreal - Department of Management Sciences

Pascal Francois

HEC Montreal - Department of Finance

Date Written: December 10, 2012


We develop a contingent claims model of a firm in financial distress with a formal account for renegotiations under the Chapter 11 bankruptcy procedure. Shareholders and two classes of creditors (senior and junior) alternatively propose a reorganization plan subject to a vote. The bankruptcy judge can intervene in any renegotiation round to impose a plan. The multiple-stage bargaining process is solved in a non-cooperative game theory setting. The calibrated model yields liquidation rate, Chapter 11 duration and percentage of deviations from the Absolute Priority Rule that are consistent with empirical evidence.

Keywords: Credit risk, Chapter 11, game theory, dynamic programming

JEL Classification: C61, C7, G33, G34

Suggested Citation

Annabi, Amira and Annabi, Amira and Breton, Michèle and Francois, Pascal, Resolution of Financial Distress Under Chapter 11 (December 10, 2012). Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, Vol. 36, No. 12, 2012, Available at SSRN: or

Amira Annabi

Manhattan College ( email )

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Michèle Breton

HEC Montreal - Department of Management Sciences ( email )

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Pascal Francois (Contact Author)

HEC Montreal - Department of Finance ( email )

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