A Novel Computerized Real Effort Task Based on Sliders
11 Pages Posted: 31 Dec 2010
There are 2 versions of this paper
A Novel Computerized Real Effort Task Based on Sliders
A Novel Computerized Real Effort Task Based on Sliders
Date Written: January 1, 2011
In this note, we present a novel computerized real effort task based on moving sliders across a screen which overcomes many of the drawbacks of existing real effort tasks. The task was first developed and used by us in Gill and Prowse (forthcoming in American Economic Review). We outline the design of our "slider task", describe its advantages compared to existing real effort tasks and provide a statistical analysis of the behavior of subjects undertaking the task. We believe that the task will prove valuable to researchers in designing future real effort experiments, and to this end we provide z-Tree code and guidance to assist researchers wishing to implement the slider task.
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