Challenges Toward a Moral Market: Creative (e-)Partnership

13 Pages Posted: 7 Jan 2011

See all articles by Nicolae Bulz

Nicolae Bulz

‘Interdisciplinary Entities Laboratory', 2000; Center for Studies and Research on Agrosilvical Biodiversity „Acad. David DAVIDESCU”(CSCBAS)

Marcel Stoica

Academy of Economic Studies

Date Written: January 6, 2011


The complexity of the governance, the complexity of representing and solving the local and global problems, regarding the education, participation and globalisation, seems to be dependent on the open/closed appearance of the alternatives background.

It is not a crisp appearance; it is a fuzzy and subtle-adaptive one. Would a brilliant synthesis provide “inner solutions” toward the governance problems representing and solving? The Cold War was promoted into a bipolar world; but within a variety of degrees from 1945 till 1989. Were there “inner solutions” reflecting the hidden dynamics of that global conflict? Over propaganda, over its synthesis, are there mental constructs toward global conflicts diminish and solving? If yes, are those constructs inner or obtained by the humankind. Is there a synthetically historic trace?

Regarding our contemporary dialoged world (albeit on a monopolar world background), would the Cold War synthetically historic trace improve the contemporary participation according to a globalised educational aim? Are all these questions dependent on the desire, acting and forecasting efforts toward a Moral Market?

Is a quite utopian construct, as Creative (e-)Partnership, a step by step thinking pattern toward Moral Market efforts?

Keywords: complexity of representing, solving the local and global problems, education, globalisation, governance, participation

JEL Classification: A19, C99, D89, P59

Suggested Citation

Bulz, Nicolae and Stoica, Marcel, Challenges Toward a Moral Market: Creative (e-)Partnership (January 6, 2011). Available at SSRN: or

Nicolae Bulz (Contact Author)

‘Interdisciplinary Entities Laboratory', 2000 ( email )



Center for Studies and Research on Agrosilvical Biodiversity „Acad. David DAVIDESCU”(CSCBAS) ( email )

National Economic Research Inst / Romanian Academy

Marcel Stoica

Academy of Economic Studies ( email )

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Bucharest, 010374

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