Reducing Systemic Cybersecurity Risk
Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development Working Paper No. IFP/WKP/FGS(2011)3
121 Pages Posted: 22 Jan 2011
Date Written: January 14, 2011
This report is part of a broader OECD study into Future Global Shocks, examples of which could include a further failure of the global financial system and large-scale pandemics. The authors have concluded that very few single cyber-related events have the capacity to cause a global shock. Governments nevertheless need to make detailed preparations to withstand and recover from a wide range of unwanted cyber events, both accidental and deliberate. There are significant and growing risks of localised misery and loss as a result of compromise of computer and telecommunications services. In addition, reliable Internet and other computer facilities are essential in recovering from most other large-scale disasters.
Keywords: information assurance, information security, cyberwarfare
JEL Classification: K33, L13, L22, L86, L96, L98, O33, O38
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