Book Review: Fredrick L. Mcghee: A Life on the Color Line, 1861-1912, by Paul D. Nelson
58 Minnesota History, Vol. 56, p. 188, 2002
3 Pages Posted: 20 Jan 2011
Date Written: 2002
This article favorably reviews a book about African American lawyer Fredrick L. McGhee. The book is dense with facts gleaned from newspapers, government documents - court files, death certificates, census records - and other sources. Occasionally the data clouds the figure of McGhee the man. Nelson skillfully pieces bits of fact together for a portrait of a thoughtful and outspoken public activist for justice. This finely researched book gives a satisfying account of McGhee and his milieu, even as it leaves the reader with mysteries to ponder.
Keywords: Book Review, Race, Civil Rights, Black Lawyers, African American Lawyers
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