Electronic Companion: How Does Popularity Information Affect Choices? A Field Experiment

Management Science, Forthcoming

9 Pages Posted: 23 Jan 2011

See all articles by Catherine E. Tucker

Catherine E. Tucker

Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) - Management Science (MS)

Juanjuan Zhang

Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) - Sloan School of Management

Date Written: January 10, 2011


This Electronic Companion contains supporting materials for the paper: Tucker, Catherine and Juanjuan Zhang (2011), “How Does Popularity Information Affect Choices? A Field Experiment.”

Keywords: Popularity Information, Observational Learning, Field Experiment, Internet Marketing

JEL Classification: C93, D83, M31

Suggested Citation

Tucker, Catherine E. and Zhang, Juanjuan, Electronic Companion: How Does Popularity Information Affect Choices? A Field Experiment (January 10, 2011). Management Science, Forthcoming, Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=1745587

Catherine E. Tucker

Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) - Management Science (MS) ( email )

100 Main St
Cambridge, MA 02142
United States

HOME PAGE: http://cetucker.scripts.mit.edu

Juanjuan Zhang (Contact Author)

Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) - Sloan School of Management ( email )

Cambridge, MA 02142
United States

HOME PAGE: http://jjzhang.scripts.mit.edu

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