Effects of Adult Education Vouchers on the Labor Market: Evidence from a Randomized Field Experiment

36 Pages Posted: 24 Jan 2011

See all articles by Guido Schwerdt

Guido Schwerdt

University of Konstanz - Faculty of Economics and Statistics

Dolores Messer

University of Bern

Ludger Woessmann

Ifo Institute for Economic Research; Institute for the Study of Labor (IZA); CESifo (Center for Economic Studies and Ifo Institute for Economic Research); University of Munich - Ifo Institute for Economic Research

Stefan C. Wolter

Swiss Coordination Centre for Research in Education (SKBF); University of Bern - Department of Economics

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Lifelong learning is often promoted in ageing societies, but little is known about its returns or governments' ability to advance it. This paper evaluates the effects of a large-scale randomized field experiment issuing vouchers for adult education in Switzerland. We find no significant average effects of voucher-induced adult education on earnings, employment, and subsequent education one year after treatment. But effects are heterogeneous: Low-education individuals are most likely to profit from adult education, but least likely to use the voucher. The findings cast doubt on the effectiveness of existing untargeted voucher programs in promoting labor market outcomes through adult education.

Keywords: adult education, voucher, field experiment, LATE, Switzerland

JEL Classification: I22, J24, H43, C93, M53

Suggested Citation

Schwerdt, Guido and Messer, Dolores and Woessmann, Ludger and Wolter, Stefan C., Effects of Adult Education Vouchers on the Labor Market: Evidence from a Randomized Field Experiment. IZA Discussion Paper No. 5431, Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=1745706 or http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.1745706

Guido Schwerdt (Contact Author)

University of Konstanz - Faculty of Economics and Statistics ( email )

Universitaetsstr. 10
78457 Konstanz

Dolores Messer

University of Bern ( email )

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Ludger Woessmann

Ifo Institute for Economic Research ( email )

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CESifo (Center for Economic Studies and Ifo Institute for Economic Research)

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University of Munich - Ifo Institute for Economic Research

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Munich, 80539

Stefan C. Wolter

Swiss Coordination Centre for Research in Education (SKBF) ( email )

CH - 5000 Aarau
+41 62 835 23 90 (Phone)
+41 62 835 23 99 (Fax)

HOME PAGE: http://www.skbf-csre.ch

University of Bern - Department of Economics ( email )

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+41 31 631 39 92 (Fax)

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