From Zoom to Doom? Risks of Do-it-Yourself Estate Planning
Estate Planning, Vol. 38, No. 4, p. 27, April 2011
9 Pages Posted: 28 Apr 2011
Date Written: April 1, 2011
The Internet has been used to market do-it-yourself estate planning products, but customers lured by low prices may encounter future problems for which they had not bargained.
Keywords: LegalZoom, Do-it-Yourself Estate Planning
Suggested Citation: Suggested Citation
Goffe, Wendy S. and Haller, Rochelle L., From Zoom to Doom? Risks of Do-it-Yourself Estate Planning (April 1, 2011). Estate Planning, Vol. 38, No. 4, p. 27, April 2011, Available at SSRN:
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