University of Luxembourg; Max Planck Institute Luxembourg for International, European and Regulatory Procedural Law; European Corporate Governance Institute (ECGI)
This Report, the work of the "Reflection Group on the Future of EU Company Law" set up by the European Commission in December 2010, addresses current problems and trends in EU company law and makes recommendations for legislative initiatives to be undertaken at the EU level. The Report, after analysing the means and purposes of EU company law harmonization, mainly focuses on issues of cross-border mobility and corporate governance. Among others, the Report recommends new measures to: a) facilitate companies' mobility within the EU; b) improve companies' transparency; c) address myopic behavior in financial markets; and d) ease the integrated management of companies belonging to a group.
Keywords: European Commission, Corporate Governance, Company Law, Cross-Border Mobility, Harmonization, Regulatory Competition, Regulatory Arbitrage, Groups of Companies, Simplification, Centros, Freedom of Establishment, Co-determination, Long Term Ownership, Transfer of Seat
Engrácia Antunes, José and Baums, Theodor and Clarke, Blanaid J. and Conac, Pierre-Henri and Enriques, Luca and Hanak, Andras I. and Hansen, Jesper Lau and de Kluiver, H. J. and Knapp, Vanessa and Lenoir, Noëlle and Linnainmaa, Leena and Soltysinski, Stanislaw and Wymeersch, Eddy O., Report of the Reflection Group on the Future of EU Company Law (April 5, 2011). Available at SSRN: or
European Economics: Microeconomics & Industrial Organization eJournal
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Marco Da Rin at Tilburg University, Department of Finance, Francesco Giavazzi at University of Bocconi - Innocenzo Gasparini Institute for Economic Research (IGIER)National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER)