The Influence of Brand Personality - Evidence from India

Global Journal of Business Research, Vol. 5, No. 3, pp. 79-83

5 Pages Posted: 29 Jun 2011

See all articles by Sangeeta Trott

Sangeeta Trott

Institute for Technology and Management (ITM)

Date Written: 2011


Nokia tops the list this year among India’s most trusted brands. The purpose of this research is to analyze the influence of brand personality of NOKIA to perceived quality. Approximately 214 respondents from a well known management institute are selected for this purpose. Respondents are asked to rate five dimensions of brand personality (sincerity, excitement, competence, sophistication, ruggedness) on a five point rating scale. Similarly, they are asked to rate the four dimensions of perceived quality on a three point rating scale. This paper will help marketers frame proper marketing strategies for the same.

Keywords: Trusted Brands, Perceived Quality, Dimensions, Sophistication, Ruggedness

JEL Classification: M31

Suggested Citation

Trott, Sangeeta, The Influence of Brand Personality - Evidence from India (2011). Global Journal of Business Research, Vol. 5, No. 3, pp. 79-83 , Available at SSRN:

Sangeeta Trott (Contact Author)

Institute for Technology and Management (ITM) ( email )

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