NASDAQ and the Chicago Stock Exchange: An Analysis of Multiple Market Trading
Posted: 25 Oct 1999
We analyze a set of 97 NASD-listed securities that trade on both the Nasdaq and Chicago Stock Exchange (CHX) to determine if trading costs and price improvements differ between the two markets. We find that order execution costs, which we define by the traded spread and the signed effective half-spread, are significantly lower on the CHX . This difference is consistent over trade types and for trades of at least 1,000 shares. Also, we find that trades occurring on the CHX receive more price improvement than do those occurring on Nasdaq.
JEL Classification: G12
Suggested Citation: Suggested Citation
Van Ness, Bonnie F. and Hseih, Wen-Liang and Van Ness, Robert A., NASDAQ and the Chicago Stock Exchange: An Analysis of Multiple Market Trading. Available at SSRN:
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