Dynamic Effects of Idiosyncratic Volatility and Liquidity on Corporate Bond Spreads
Posted: 1 Aug 2011 Last revised: 4 Jun 2013
Date Written: April 3, 2013
We study the dynamic impact of idiosyncratic volatility and bond liquidity on corporate bond spreads over time and empirically disentangle both effects. Using an extensive data set, we find that both idiosyncratic volatility and liquidity are critical mainly for the distress portfolios, i.e., low-rated and short-term bonds; for others only volatility matters. The effects of volatility and liquidity shocks on bond spreads were both exacerbated during the recent financial crisis. Liquidity shocks are quickly absorbed into bonds prices; however, volatility shocks are more persistent and have a long-term effect. Our results overall suggest significant differences between how volatility and liquidity dynamically impact bond spreads.
Keywords: bond liquidity, equity volatility, illiquid markets, corporate bond spreads, dynamic relationships
JEL Classification: G10, G14
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