Evolution and Political Organization: The Evolutionary Logic of Constitutional Democracy
28 Pages Posted: 3 Sep 2011
Date Written: September 2, 2011
A model of political systems is constructed based on the evolutionary logic of political equality. Adopting the concept of extended phenotypes, the evolution of constitutional democracy is posited as a counter strategy to parasitism and exploitation in large-scale political systems. Typologies resemble previous work on majoritarian and consensus democracy, but are based on different theoretical underpinnings, and have different implications for the evolution of constitutional democracy.
Keywords: democracy, evolution, constitutions, equality, classification
Suggested Citation: Suggested Citation
Latner, Michael, Evolution and Political Organization: The Evolutionary Logic of Constitutional Democracy (September 2, 2011). Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=1921410 or http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.1921410
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