Backtesting Value-at-Risk Using Forecasts for Multiple Horizons, a Comment on the Forecast Rationality Tests of A.J. Patton and A. Timmermann

Tinbergen Institute Discussion Paper 11-131/4

17 Pages Posted: 20 Sep 2011

See all articles by Lennart F. Hoogerheide

Lennart F. Hoogerheide

VU University Amsterdam

Francesco Ravazzolo

Free University of Bozen-Bolzano - Faculty of Economics and Management; BI Norwegian Business School - Department of Data Science and Analytics

H. K. van Dijk

Tinbergen Institute; Econometric Institute

Date Written: September 20, 2011


Patton and Timmermann (2011, 'Forecast Rationality Tests Based on Multi-Horizon Bounds', Journal of Business & Economic Statistics, forthcoming) propose a set of useful tests for forecast rationality or optimality under squared error loss, including an easily implemented test based on a regression that only involves (long-horizon and short-horizon) forecasts and no observations on the target variable. We propose an extension, a simulation-based procedure that takes into account the presence of errors in parameter estimates. This procedure can also be applied in the field of 'backtesting' models for Value-at-Risk. Applications to simple AR and ARCH time series models show that its power in detecting certain misspecifications is larger than the power of well-known tests for correct Unconditional Coverage and Conditional Coverage.

Keywords: value-at-Risk, backtest, optimal revision, forecast rationality

JEL Classification: C12, C52, C53, C58, G32

Suggested Citation

Hoogerheide, Lennart F. and Ravazzolo, Francesco and van Dijk, Herman K., Backtesting Value-at-Risk Using Forecasts for Multiple Horizons, a Comment on the Forecast Rationality Tests of A.J. Patton and A. Timmermann (September 20, 2011). Tinbergen Institute Discussion Paper 11-131/4, Available at SSRN: or

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VU University Amsterdam ( email )

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Francesco Ravazzolo

Free University of Bozen-Bolzano - Faculty of Economics and Management ( email )

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BI Norwegian Business School - Department of Data Science and Analytics ( email )

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