Avoiding the Creation of a Gender Ghetto in International Criminal Law
International Criminal Law Review, Vol. 11, p. 655, 2011
Washington University in St. Louis Legal Studies Research Paper No. 11-09-02
9 Pages Posted: 4 Oct 2011 Last revised: 10 Nov 2011
Date Written: September 2, 2011
This article examines the harm suffered by women and girls in armed conflict and questions the role female lawyers and academics can play in order to best be of assistance. Specifically, the article addresses the problem that when women lawyers work only on gender issues, they find themselves in an all-female ghetto, excluding, or being excluded by, their male colleagues and brothers. Conversely, if women lawyers do not focus on atrocity crimes against women, the question arises of whether anyone will ensure these crimes receive attention. The article argues that by maintaining the treatment of gender crimes and crimes of sexual violence, and by ensuring adequate female representation in the various fields and institutions of international – and national – justice, these issues may be adequately addressed.
Keywords: international law, international criminal law, women: gender crimes, sexual violence
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