Effects of the 2008-09 Economic Crisis on Labor Markets in Mexico

45 Pages Posted: 20 Apr 2016

See all articles by Samuel Freije

Samuel Freije

University of the Americas, Puebla

Gladys Lopez-Acevedo

Lead Economist

Eduardo Rodríguez-Oreggia

affiliation not provided to SSRN

Date Written: October 1, 2011


The 2008-09 economic crisis has had a long-lasting negative impact on the Mexican economy. This paper examines labor market dynamics in Mexico in light of the crisis. The labor market has been characterized in recent years by low relative unemployment, but high levels of informal jobs, low-growth, and almost stagnant real wages. In this context, the crisis destroyed a wide number of formal jobs, and even informal, increasing the unemployment rates to pre-crisis levels. Manufacturing was the sector that endured the largest job losses during the crisis and wages decreased for all sectors. The government of Mexico implemented a variety of programs to cope with the crises. However, these measures were too limited to counteract the large negative impact of the crisis on labor markets.

Keywords: Labor Markets, Labor Policies, Population Policies, Labor Standards, Economic Theory & Research

Suggested Citation

Freije, Samuel and Lopez-Acevedo, Gladys and Rodríguez-Oreggia, Eduardo, Effects of the 2008-09 Economic Crisis on Labor Markets in Mexico (October 1, 2011). World Bank Policy Research Working Paper No. 5840, Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=1942800

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Eduardo Rodríguez-Oreggia

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