Understanding the Behavior of Mobile Data Services Consumers

Information Systems Frontiers, Vol. 10, No. 4, pp. 431-445, 2008

15 Pages Posted: 26 Dec 2011

See all articles by SeJoon Hong

SeJoon Hong

Korea University

James Y.L. Thong

HKUST Business School

Jae-Yun Moon

Hong Kong University of Science & Technology (HKUST) - Hong Kong University of Science & Technology

Kar Yan Tam

Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

Date Written: December 26, 2011


Due to rapid advances in the Internet and wireless technologies, a ubiquitous computing world is becoming a reality in the form of mobile computing. At the center of this phenomenon is mobile data services which arise from the convergence of advanced mobile communication technologies with data services. Despite the rapid growth in mobile data services, research into consumers’ usage behavior is scarce. This study attempts to identify and empirically assess the factors that drive consumers’ acceptance of mobile data services. A research model based on the decomposed theory of planned behavior and incorporating factors that represent personal needs and motivations in using mobile data services is presented. The model is tested via an online survey of 811 consumers of four categories of mobile data services (i.e., communications, information content, entertainment, and commercial transactions) associated with different usage contexts. We found that attitude, social influence, media influence, perceived mobility, and perceived monetary value influence consumers’ intention to continue usage of mobile data services. In addition, perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, and perceived enjoyment influence attitude toward continued usage of mobile data services. Finally, separate analysis of the different categories of mobile data services highlights the influence of individual usage context on consumers’ behavior.

Keywords: consumer behavior, mobile data services, mobile phones, decomposed theory of planned behavior, technology acceptance, online survey

Suggested Citation

Hong, SeJoon and Thong, James Y.L. and Moon, Jae-Yun and Tam, Kar Yan, Understanding the Behavior of Mobile Data Services Consumers (December 26, 2011). Information Systems Frontiers, Vol. 10, No. 4, pp. 431-445, 2008, Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=1976959

SeJoon Hong

Korea University ( email )

1 Anam-dong 5 ka
Seoul, 136-701
Korea, Republic of (South Korea)

James Y.L. Thong (Contact Author)

HKUST Business School ( email )

Clear Water Bay
Hong Kong

HOME PAGE: http://jthong.people.ust.hk/

Jae-Yun Moon

Hong Kong University of Science & Technology (HKUST) - Hong Kong University of Science & Technology ( email )

Clear Water Bay
Hong Kong

Kar Yan Tam

Hong Kong University of Science and Technology ( email )

Clear Water Bay, Kowloon
Hong Kong

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