National and European Values of Public Administration in the Balkans

South-Eastern European Administrative Studies,ASsee Online Series, No. 4/2011,Indexed CPCI-SSH

303 Pages Posted: 8 Jan 2012 Last revised: 25 Mar 2017

See all articles by Ani I. Matei

Ani I. Matei

National School of Political Studies and Public Administration (NSPSPA)

Crina Radulescu

National University of Political Studies and Public Administration (NSPSPA) - Faculty of Public Administration

Vassillios Grammatikas

Democritus University of Thrace

Diana-Camelia Iancu


Daniel Mihai Ungureanu


Carmen Savulescu

National University of Political Studies and Public Administration (NSPSPA)

Orlin Marinov


Roumiana Tsankova

Technical University-Sofia

Steliana Sandu


Sylvia Archmann


Astrid Guiffart


Migena Leskoviku


Margarita Shivergueva


Sthephane Guerard


Anca Adriana Cucu


Vinko Kandzija

University of Rijeka - Faculty of Economics

Alen Host

University of Rijeka - Faculty of Economics

Igor Cvecic

University of Rijeka - Faculty of Economics

Marco Amici


Marco Meneguzzo


Lucica Matei

National School of Political Studies and Public Administration (NSPSPA)

Cristina Mititelu


Calogero Marino


Thomas Doleys

Kennesaw State University

Ivan Nachev


Ana-Maria Bercu

Alexandru Ioan Cuza University - Department of Finance, Money and Public Administration

Mihaela Onofrei

Alexandru Ioan Cuza University

Mihaela V. Carausan

National School of Political Studies and Public Administration (NSPSPA) - Faculty of Public Administration; Centre of Academic Excellence

Teodora Ioana Dinu

National University of Political Studies and Public Administration (NSPSPA)

Cristina-Elena Radulea-Zamfirescu


Mihaela Airinei-Daraban


Mihaela Constantinescu

National School of Political and Administrative Studies

Nica Aser

National University of Political Studies and Public Administration (NSPSPA)

Bogdan Berceanu

National School of Political Studies and Public Administration (SNSPA)

Cristina Ciora

affiliation not provided to SSRN

Vicentia Georgiana Voicu


Cristina Sandu

National University of Political Studies and Public Administration (NSPSPA)

Andrei Nicolae

National School for Political Sciences and Public Administration

Adelina Dumitrescu

National University of Political Studies and Public Administration (NSPSPA) - Faculty of Public Administration

Corina Georgiana Lazar

National School of Political Studies and Public Administration

Mihaela Violeta Tuca


Mirela Fataciune

National School of Political Science and Public Administration (NSPSPA)

Catalin Vrabie

National University of Political Studies and Public Administration (SNSPA)

Catalin-Ionut Cornea

National School of Political and Administrative Studies

Sergiu-Ioan Irimia


Tatiana-Camelia Dogaru

National School of Political Studies and Public Administration (NSPSPA)

Date Written: July 16, 2011


The current volume represents the outcome of the international conference “National and European Values of Public Administration in the Balkans,” organised in Bucharest on 15-16 July 2011. The conference has been organised by Jean Monnet research network dedicated to “South-Eastern European developments on the administrative convergence and enlargement of the European Administrative Space in Balkan states,” representing the third edition of the events organised under the above aegis. The research network, comprising the National School of Political Studies and Public Administration (NSPSPA), Bucharest, Romania, University of the Aegean, Mytilene, Greece, New Bulgarian University, Sofia, Bulgaria, University of Rijeka, Croatia and the European Public Law Organization (EPLO) with headquarters in Athens, Greece has developed and continues to develop studies and researches specific for the development of public administration in the Balkan states. The keynote speakers of the conference included Mw. Dr. Helena Raulus, EU Law Docent, Faculteit der Rechtsgeleerdheid, Erasmus Universiteit, Netherlands, Prof. Dr. Spyridon Flogaitis, Director, President of the BoD, European Public Law Organization, Greece and Prof. Dr. Lucica Matei, Dean, Faculty of Public Administration, National School of Politica Studies and Public Administration, Romania.

The contents of the papers presented have been focused on the following topics: EU normative support for sustaining the process of administrative convergence; European Administrative Space principles – pillars for the mechanisms of evaluation of public administration reforms; Balkan priorities for European Administrative Space enlargement Other two sub adjacent topics have been added, aiming especially the doctoral students, emphasising the following themes: The process of administrative convergence at EU level; Efficiency, effectiveness and responsibility in the European Administrative Space; European Administrative Space. Priorities of the future.

For the international conference, 88 abstracts were received, of which due to the first selection achieved by the Conference Scientific Committee, 56 papers were accepted After presentation, the papers have been improved and subjected to double review, so that there were accepted for publication 36 papers, having 46 authors from nine countries: Romania, Greece, Bulgaria, Netherlands, Albania, France, Croatia, Italy and USA and two European organisations: EPLO and EIPA. The general conclusion expected for the final of our conference could refer to the existence of a Balkan Administrative Space as part of the European Administrative Space. Even if the area of the Balkan Administrative Space is confined, we have to highlight the unity in diversity as a fundamental feature. The unity derives from the ideals of European integration of the Balkan states and the diversity derives from the national histories, cultural diversity and their national identity. The connections of the Balkan Administrative Space become day by day more powerful related to the European Administrative Space. They are determined by the development of the processes of convergence and administrative dynamics as well as by the internal developments induced by the administrative reforms in the mentioned states.

In this context, we could assert that by means of the research proposed and achieved, our project has open new agendas of research, that partially have been expressed in our research reports, publications etc. At the same time, as remarked from the contents of this conference, the national and European values of the Balkan Administrative Space are substantiated on the regulatory framework of the European Union, the processes of convergence and administrative dynamics, as well as on the principles of the European Administrative Space.

In fact, as it is well known, the latter becomes a non-formalised acquis of the European Public Administration, representing a standard for assessing the progress in the reforms of the national public administrations. Our conference has taken place under the auspices of this generous perspective.

Keywords: Public Administration in the Balkans, National and European Values, Administrative Convergence, EAS Priciples

JEL Classification: D73

Suggested Citation

Matei, Ani I. and Radulescu, Crina and Grammatikas, Vassillios and Iancu, Diana-Camelia and Ungureanu, Daniel Mihai and Savulescu, Carmen and Marinov, Orlin and Tsankova, Roumiana and Sandu, Steliana and Archmann, Sylvia and Guiffart, Astrid and Leskoviku, Migena and Shivergueva, Margarita and Guerard, Sthephane and Cucu, Anca Adriana and Kandzija, Vinko and Host, Alen and Cvecic, Igor and Amici, Marco and Meneguzzo, Marco and Matei, Lucica and Mititelu, Cristina and Marino, Calogero and Doleys, Thomas and Nachev, Ivan and Bercu, Ana-Maria and Onofrei, Mihaela and Carausan, Mihaela V. and Dinu, Teodora Ioana and Radulea-Zamfirescu, Cristina-Elena and Airinei-Daraban, Mihaela and Constantinescu, Mihaela and Aser, Nica and Berceanu, Ionut - Bogdan and Ciora, Cristina and Voicu, Vicentia Georgiana and Sandu, Cristina and Nicolae, Andrei and Dumitrescu, Adelina and Lazar, Corina Georgiana and Tuca, Mihaela Violeta and Fataciune, Mirela and Vrabie, Catalin Ioan and Cornea, Catalin-Ionut and Irimia, Sergiu-Ioan and Dogaru, Tatiana-Camelia, National and European Values of Public Administration in the Balkans (July 16, 2011). South-Eastern European Administrative Studies,ASsee Online Series, No. 4/2011,Indexed CPCI-SSH , Available at SSRN:

Ani I. Matei (Contact Author)

National School of Political Studies and Public Administration (NSPSPA) ( email )

6 Povernei street
Bucharest, 010643


Crina Radulescu

National University of Political Studies and Public Administration (NSPSPA) - Faculty of Public Administration ( email )

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Vassillios Grammatikas

Democritus University of Thrace ( email )

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Diana-Camelia Iancu

Independent ( email )

Daniel Mihai Ungureanu

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Carmen Savulescu

National University of Political Studies and Public Administration (NSPSPA) ( email )

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Bucharest, 010643

Orlin Marinov

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Roumiana Tsankova

Technical University-Sofia ( email )

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Steliana Sandu

Independent ( email )

Sylvia Archmann

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Astrid Guiffart

Independent ( email )

Migena Leskoviku

Independent ( email )

Margarita Shivergueva

Independent ( email )

Sthephane Guerard

Independent ( email )

Anca Adriana Cucu

Independent ( email )

Vinko Kandzija

University of Rijeka - Faculty of Economics ( email )

Ivana Filipovića 4
Rijeka, 51000

Alen Host

University of Rijeka - Faculty of Economics ( email )

Ivana Filipovića 4
Rijeka, 51000

Igor Cvecic

University of Rijeka - Faculty of Economics ( email )

Ivana Filipovića 4
Rijeka, 51000

Marco Amici

Independent ( email )

Marco Meneguzzo

Independent ( email )

Lucica Matei

National School of Political Studies and Public Administration (NSPSPA) ( email )

6 Povernei Street
Bucharest, 010643
0040213146507 (Phone)
0040213146507 (Fax)


Cristina Mititelu

Independent ( email )

Calogero Marino

Independent ( email )

Thomas Doleys

Kennesaw State University ( email )

402 Bartow Avenue
Social Sciences, MD 2205
Kennesaw, GA 30144
United States

Ivan Nachev

Independent ( email )

Ana-Maria Bercu

Alexandru Ioan Cuza University - Department of Finance, Money and Public Administration ( email )


Mihaela Onofrei

Alexandru Ioan Cuza University ( email )

Carol I Blvd, Nr.11
Iasi, 700506

Mihaela V. Carausan

National School of Political Studies and Public Administration (NSPSPA) - Faculty of Public Administration ( email )

6 Povernei Str., Sector 1
Bucharest, 010643

Centre of Academic Excellence

22 Magheru Blvd., 1st floor, ap. 3, Sector 1

Teodora Ioana Dinu

National University of Political Studies and Public Administration (NSPSPA) ( email )

6 Povernei Street
Bucharest, 010643

Mihaela Airinei-Daraban

Independent ( email )

Mihaela Constantinescu

National School of Political and Administrative Studies ( email )

Povernei Street, No 6
Sector 1
Bucharest, Bucharest

Nica Aser

National University of Political Studies and Public Administration (NSPSPA) ( email )

6 Povernei Street
Bucharest, 010643

Ionut - Bogdan Berceanu

National School of Political Studies and Public Administration (SNSPA) ( email )

Strada Povernei nr. 6
Sector 1
Bucharest, Bucharest 010643


Cristina Ciora

affiliation not provided to SSRN

Cristina Sandu

National University of Political Studies and Public Administration (NSPSPA) ( email )

6 Povernei Street
Bucharest, 010643

Andrei Nicolae

National School for Political Sciences and Public Administration ( email )


Adelina Dumitrescu

National University of Political Studies and Public Administration (NSPSPA) - Faculty of Public Administration ( email )

6 Povernei str., Sector 1
Bucharest, 010643

Corina Georgiana Lazar

National School of Political Studies and Public Administration ( email )

6 Povernei street
Bucharest, 010643

Mihaela Violeta Tuca

Independent ( email )

Mirela Fataciune

National School of Political Science and Public Administration (NSPSPA) ( email )

Strada Parcului

Catalin Ioan Vrabie

National University of Political Studies and Public Administration (SNSPA) ( email )

30A, Bd. Expoziției

Catalin-Ionut Cornea

National School of Political and Administrative Studies ( email )

Povernei Street, No 6
Sector 1
Bucharest, Bucharest

Sergiu-Ioan Irimia

Independent ( email )

Tatiana-Camelia Dogaru

National School of Political Studies and Public Administration (NSPSPA) ( email )

Povernei, 6


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