On The Concentration of Large Deviations for Fat Tailed Distributions, With Application to Financial Data

35 Pages Posted: 16 Jan 2012 Last revised: 7 Apr 2014

See all articles by Mario Filiasi

Mario Filiasi

University of Trieste

Giacomo Livan

Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP)

Matteo Marsili

Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP)

Maria Peressi

University of Trieste

Erik Vesselli

University of Trieste

Elia Zarinelli


Date Written: January 15, 2012


Large deviations for fat tailed distributions, i.e. those that decay slower than exponential, are not only relatively likely, but they also occur in a rather peculiar way where a finite fraction of the whole sample deviation is concentrated on a single variable. The regime of large deviations is separated from the regime of typical fluctuations by a phase transition where the symmetry between the points in the sample is spontaneously broken. For stochastic processes with a fat tailed microscopic noise, this implies that while typical realizations are well described by a diffusion process with continuous sample paths, large deviation paths are typically discontinuous. For eigenvalues of random matrices with fat tailed distributed elements, a large deviation where the trace of the matrix is anomalously large concentrates on just a single eigenvalue, whereas in the thin tailed world the large deviation affects the whole distribution.

These results find a natural application to finance. Since the price dynamics of financial stocks is characterized by fat tailed increments, large fluctuations of stock prices are expected to be realized by discrete jumps. Interestingly, we find that large excursions of prices are more likely realized by continuous drifts rather than by discontinuous jumps. Indeed, auto-correlations suppress the concentration of large deviations. Financial covariance matrices also exhibit an anomalously large eigenvalue, the market mode, as compared to the prediction of random matrix theory. We show that this is explained by a large deviation with excess covariance rather than by one with excess volatility.

Keywords: Large deviations, fat tails, risk

JEL Classification: G32, G11, Y8

Suggested Citation

Filiasi, Mario and Livan, Giacomo and Marsili, Matteo and Peressi, Maria and Vesselli, Erik and Zarinelli, Elia, On The Concentration of Large Deviations for Fat Tailed Distributions, With Application to Financial Data (January 15, 2012). Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=1985596 or http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.1985596

Mario Filiasi

University of Trieste ( email )

via Valerio 2
Trieste, I-34127

Giacomo Livan

Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP) ( email )

Strada Costiera 11
34100 Trieste
United States

Matteo Marsili (Contact Author)

Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP) ( email )

Strada Costiera 11
Trieste, 34014

Maria Peressi

University of Trieste ( email )

via Valerio 2
Trieste, I-34127

Erik Vesselli

University of Trieste ( email )

via Valerio 2
Trieste, I-34127

Elia Zarinelli

LIST S.p.A. ( email )

via Carducci 20
Trieste, I-34122

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