On Inflation as a Regressive Consumption Tax

38 Pages Posted: 13 Aug 2000

See all articles by Gustavo Jaime Ventura

Gustavo Jaime Ventura

Pennsylvania State University, College of the Liberal Arts - Department of Economic

Andres Erosa

University of Toronto - Department of Economics

Date Written: undated


Evidence on the portfolio holdings and transaction patterns of households suggests that the burden of inflation is not evenly distributed. We build a monetary growth model consistent with key features of cross-sectional household data and use this framework to study the distributional impact of inflation. At the aggregate level, our model economy behaves similarly to standard monetary growth models within the representative agent abstraction. Inflation has, however, important distributional effects since it is effectively a regressive consumption tax. Thus, neglecting the distributional consequences of inflation may prove misleading in assessing the effects of inflation in our economy.

Keywords: Inflation, heterogeneity, distribution

JEL Classification: D30, E31

Suggested Citation

Ventura, Gustavo Jaime and Erosa, Andres, On Inflation as a Regressive Consumption Tax (undated). Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=199168 or http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.199168

Gustavo Jaime Ventura

Pennsylvania State University, College of the Liberal Arts - Department of Economic ( email )

601 Kern Building
University Park, PA 16802-3306
United States

Andres Erosa (Contact Author)

University of Toronto - Department of Economics ( email )

150 St. George Street
Toronto, Ontario M5S 3G7