On the Association between HIV Knowledge and Risky Sexual Behavior in India?
Colorado College Working Paper No. 2012-03
15 Pages Posted: 15 May 2012
Date Written: April 11, 2012
This paper estimates the association between HIV knowledge and risky sexual behavior in India. Using data from the third wave of the national demographic survey, we find that better HIV related knowledge does not always promote safer sexual practices. While, better HIV knowledge increases the likelihood of condom use, it also increases the likelihood of pre-marital sex, and reduces the likelihood of abstinence. These effects are much stronger for males when compared to females. These results also suggest, albeit indirectly, that informational and condom distribution campaigns are not necessarily promoting safer sexual practices in India.
Keywords: HIV/AIDS, Risky Behavior, India
JEL Classification: C13, C25, O53
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