New Suffrage Article for the New York Constitution
11 Pages Posted: 6 Oct 2012 Last revised: 18 Mar 2013
Date Written: March 16, 2013
Article II (Suffrage) of the New York Constitution has nine sections. All but one of those sections would be discarded. The remaining section would be amended, and two new sections would be added.
About the new sections:
Section 1 would prescribe qualifications for the right to vote.
In section 2, a person who was convicted of a felony would be excluded from the right to vote. The right could be restored by a pardon.
Dates of primary elections, general elections and special election would be set in section 3.
Present article II has about 1,025 words. Revised article II would have about 330 words.
Other essays about revision of the New York Constitution are:
New Preamble and New Bill of Rights Article for the New York Constitution New Legislature Article for the New York Constitution New Executive Article for the New York Constitution New Officers and Civil Departments Article for the New York Constitution New Judiciary Article for the New York Constitution New Local Governments Article for the New York Constitution Eight New Articles for the New York Constitution
Keywords: Duverger, first past the post, general election, plurality, primary election, special election, suffrage
JEL Classification: K10, K40
Suggested Citation: Suggested Citation