Let's Use Patent Fees to Stop the Trolls
Wired.com, December 20, 2012
4 Pages Posted: 14 Nov 2012 Last revised: 6 Jun 2015
Date Written: December 20, 2012
Citing empirical evidence that non-practicing entities assert relatively old patents that cover inventions in relatively fast-paced industries, this essay argues that the PTO should increase the number and magnitude of patent renewal ("maintenance") fees in order to hasten the expiration of suspect software patents and reduce the prevalence of suits filed by so-called "patent trolls."
Keywords: PTO fees, maintenance fees, patent troll, NPE, patent term, America Invents Act, software patent
JEL Classification: O34, K00
Suggested Citation: Suggested Citation
Love, Brian J., Let's Use Patent Fees to Stop the Trolls (December 20, 2012). Wired.com, December 20, 2012, Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=2175870 or http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.2175870
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