'Volcker/Vickers Hybrid'?: The Liikanen Report and Justifications for Ring Fencing and Separate Legal Entities

Chapter, "Value Relevance of Accounting Information in Capital Markets" IGI Global 2016

10 Pages Posted: 4 Feb 2013 Last revised: 14 Mar 2016

See all articles by Marianne Ojo D Delaney PhD

Marianne Ojo D Delaney PhD

American Accounting Association; Centre for Innovation and Sustainable Development (CISD); Centre for Innovation and Sustainable Development (CISD)

Date Written: February 3, 2013


Whilst some valid and justified arguments have been put forward in favour of ring fencing, that is, constructing a fire-wall between consumer and investment banks, and that such activities can be achieved without re structuring banks into separate legal entities, the Liikanen Report highlights why there is need for such re structuring. As well as considering the merits of ringfencing and the establishment of separate legal activities and entities, this paper aims to highlight why a suitable model aimed at mitigating risks of contagion can to a large extent, be justified on a cost-benefit analysis basis.

Furthermore, the paper ultimately concludes that even though a greater degree of separation of legal entities and activities persist with the model which is referred to as "total separation", a certain degree of independence between bank activities would also be necessary under ring fencing if its purposes and objectives are to be fulfilled.

Keywords: Vickers Report, Volcker's Rule, Liikanen Report, ring fencing, recovery plans, resolution plans, bail-outs, loss absorption, systemic risks, leverage ratios, liquidity, capital requirements, de-leveraging

Suggested Citation

Ojo D Delaney PhD, Marianne, 'Volcker/Vickers Hybrid'?: The Liikanen Report and Justifications for Ring Fencing and Separate Legal Entities (February 3, 2013). Chapter, "Value Relevance of Accounting Information in Capital Markets" IGI Global 2016, Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=2211171 or http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.2211171

Marianne Ojo D Delaney PhD (Contact Author)

American Accounting Association ( email )

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