What Explains the Rise of Majority-Minority Tensions and Conflict in Xinjiang?
Central Asian Survey 38(1): 46-60
16 Pages Posted: 4 Feb 2013 Last revised: 16 Mar 2021
Date Written: 2019
In the past few years there has been a rise of inter-ethnic violence in China. While ethno-cultural repression and ineffective state policies are correctly attributed as key culprits behind this reality, this article suggests that socio-economic factors play a fundamental contributory role as well. Using the Xinjiang case, the article maps ethnic tensions and violence as a manifestation and expression of a growing and heighten ethno-cultural consciousness stemming from ethnic minorities’ low socio-economic status due, in part, to internal Han migration, and a labour market process – involving agency and structure – that has shaped a split and segmented labour market.
Keywords: Xinjiang, Ethnic Minority, Uyghur, Conflict, Labour Market, Policy
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