Let's Skill All the Lawyers: Shakespearean Lessons on the Nature of Law
11 Vera Lex 33 (2010)
42 Pages Posted: 17 Feb 2013
Date Written: 2010
Shakespeare's works present intriguing explorations of law and legal theory. They help demonstrate the flaws in command-theory positivism, natural law theory and prediction theory accounts of the law. This is a simultaneously-published abbreviated version of a longer article published in Acta Iuridica Olomucensia in 2010.
Keywords: jurisprudence, natural law, positivism, Shakespeare
Suggested Citation: Suggested Citation
Lloyd, Harold Anthony, Let's Skill All the Lawyers: Shakespearean Lessons on the Nature of Law (2010). 11 Vera Lex 33 (2010), Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=2219496
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