Observations Sur L'Organisation Judiciaire Espagnole En Matière Sociale (Observations on the Spanish Judiciary in Social Matters)

Revista Forumul Judecatorilor No. 3/2011

10 Pages Posted: 24 Feb 2013

See all articles by Dragos Calin

Dragos Calin

Romanian Academy - Center for European Legal Studies, Legal Research Institute; Bucharest Court of Appeal

Date Written: 2011


Le stage dans l’Espagne (13-26 Septembre 2010) a permis une meilleure connaissance de l’organisation du pouvoir judiciaire par l‘observation directe du fonctionnement des tribunaux. En termes de système de la justice sociale, en Espagne, elle est plus souple et mieux organisée que la justice roumaine. Les délais sont toujours raisonnables et le numéro de dossiers est beaucoup plus faible. L’Espagne, contrairement à la Roumanie et l’Italie, présente une organisation judiciaire exportable.

Efectuarea unui stagiu în Spania (13-26 septembrie 2010) a permis familiarizarea cu organizarea sistemului judiciar prin observarea directã a modului de funcþionare al instanþelor. În ceea ce priveºte sistemul justiþiei în materie socialã, acesta este mult mai flexibil ºi mai bine organizat decât în România. Termenele sunt întotdeauna rezonabile, iar numãrul de dosare aflate pe rol este mult mai mic. Spania, spre deosebire de România ºi Italia, prezintã o organizare judiciarã exportabilã.

Internship in Spain (13-26 September 2010) led to a better understanding of the organization of the judiciary by the `direct observation of the functioning of the courts. System in terms of social justice, Spain, it is more flexible and better organized than the Romanian judiciary. Deadlines are always reasonable and the number of cases is much lower. Spain, unlike Romania and Italy, has a judicial exportable.

Note: Downloadable document is in French.

Keywords: spanish social justice, the judiciary, the social court judges, legal secretaries, the employees affiliates and agents, the conciliation stage, Administrative Service, the written procedure, cassation appeal for the unification of jurisprudence, essential reduction of administrative functions

Suggested Citation

Calin, Dragos, Observations Sur L'Organisation Judiciaire Espagnole En Matière Sociale (Observations on the Spanish Judiciary in Social Matters) (2011). Revista Forumul Judecatorilor No. 3/2011, Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=2223351 or http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.2223351

Dragos Calin (Contact Author)

Romanian Academy - Center for European Legal Studies, Legal Research Institute ( email )

Calea 13 Septembrie nr. 13, sector 5
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Bucharest Court of Appeal ( email )

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