Information Exposure, Opportunity Evaluation and Entrepreneurial Action: An Investigation of an Online User Community

Imperial College Business School Innovation and Entrepreneurship Group Working Paper No. 2013-1

55 Pages Posted: 6 Mar 2013

See all articles by Erkko Autio

Erkko Autio

Imperial College Business School; Tilburg University School of Economics and Management

Linus Dahlander

Stanford University; Imperial College London

Lars Frederiksen

Aarhus University - School of Business and Social Sciences

Date Written: January 10, 2013


We study how an individual’s exposure to external information regulates the evaluation of entrepreneurial opportunities and entrepreneurial action. Combining data from interviews, a survey, and a comprehensive web log of an online user community spanning eight years, we find that technical information shaped opportunity evaluation, and social information about user needs drove individuals to entrepreneurial action. Our empirical findings suggest that reducing demand uncertainty is a central factor regulating of entrepreneurial action, an insight that received theories of entrepreneurial action have so far overlooked.

Keywords: entrepreneurial action, action theory of entrepreneurship, information exposure, user entrepreneurship

JEL Classification: M13

Suggested Citation

Autio, Erkko and Dahlander, Linus and Frederiksen, Lars, Information Exposure, Opportunity Evaluation and Entrepreneurial Action: An Investigation of an Online User Community (January 10, 2013). Imperial College Business School Innovation and Entrepreneurship Group Working Paper No. 2013-1, Available at SSRN: or

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Lars Frederiksen

Aarhus University - School of Business and Social Sciences ( email )

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