Intangible Assets and Productivity Growth Differentials Across EU Economies: The Role of ICT and R&D

LUISS Lab Working Paper No. 102

26 Pages Posted: 11 Mar 2013

See all articles by Cecilia Jona Lasinio

Cecilia Jona Lasinio

Italian Statistical Institute

Stefano Manzocchi

LUISS University; Luiss University - Department of Economics and Finance

Date Written: November 30, 2012


We analyze productivity growth differentials across the EU in the perspective of intangible, as well as tangible, capital accumulation. Based on a new international dataset on intangibles, we identify three main EU regions corresponding to the Northern area, Central Europe and the Mediterranean area. We find that intangible capital accumulation has strongly contributed to labor productivity growth in the best performing European economies/regions. Moreover, we find evidence that intangible capital accumulation, especially in software and R&D, is associated with spillover effects.

Keywords: Productivity growth, ICT, Intangible Capital

JEL Classification: JEL: O31, O47, O52

Suggested Citation

Jona Lasinio, Cecilia and Manzocchi, Stefano and Manzocchi, Stefano, Intangible Assets and Productivity Growth Differentials Across EU Economies: The Role of ICT and R&D (November 30, 2012). LUISS Lab Working Paper No. 102, Available at SSRN: or

Cecilia Jona Lasinio (Contact Author)

Italian Statistical Institute ( email )

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Stefano Manzocchi

Luiss University - Department of Economics and Finance ( email )

Viale Romania, 32
Rome, 00197

LUISS University ( email )

Viale Romania, 32
Rome, 00197