What Do Experts Expect from Human Resource Practices

Global Journal of Business Research, v. 7 (5) p. 121-132

12 Pages Posted: 5 Sep 2013

See all articles by Jocelyne Abraham

Jocelyne Abraham

IAE de Tours - CERMAT

Lucie Morin

University of Quebec at Montreal (UQAM) - Department of Organization and Human Resources

Stephane Renaud

University of Montreal

Jean-Yves Saulquin

Loire Valley University

Richard Soparnot

Loire Valley University - France Business School

Date Written: 2013


Knowing how to attract highly qualified employees known as experts is of critical importance to many organizations in the new knowledge economy. The aim of this exploratory empirical study is to examine experts’ expectations in regard to organizational and job related factors. After defining what is an expert, we review academic research on what attracts employees and how this applies to experts. Our data come from a large organization in the high technology sector. Results show that, in many ways, the expectations of experts differ from those of less qualified employees. For instance, when they consider a potential employer, financial rewards linked to performance are more significant to experts than to other employees whereas unusual perks (e.g., lounge) and work-life balance are less significant.

Keywords: Expert, HR Practices, Attraction

JEL Classification: M12

Suggested Citation

Abraham, Jocelyne and Morin, Lucie and Renaud, Stephane and Saulquin, Jean-Yves and Soparnot, Richard, What Do Experts Expect from Human Resource Practices (2013). Global Journal of Business Research, v. 7 (5) p. 121-132, Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=2239393

Jocelyne Abraham (Contact Author)

IAE de Tours - CERMAT ( email )

Lucie Morin

University of Quebec at Montreal (UQAM) - Department of Organization and Human Resources ( email )


Stephane Renaud

University of Montreal ( email )

C.P. 6128, succursale Centre-Ville
Montreal, Quebec H3C 3J7

Jean-Yves Saulquin

Loire Valley University ( email )


Richard Soparnot

Loire Valley University - France Business School ( email )


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