Termination, Price Reduction and Damages
In G Dannemann and S Vogenaur (eds), The Common European Sales Law in Context: Interaction with English and German Law (OUP 2013) 647-686
Posted: 9 Apr 2013
Date Written: April 2013
The Draft Common Frame of Reference (Draft CFR) is the culmination of the European Parliament and European Commission promoted pan-European contract law. This is one of the most important current developments in private law. The adoption of the Common European Sales Law (CESL) derived from the CFR would fundamentally alter the relationship between European and national contract laws. This project examines how the DCFR and CESL, if used for their intended purposes, will interact with the domestic laws of England and Germany, two of the most important legal systems in the EU. It also sets forth proposals for improving this interaction.
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