Indian Law Research in Washington
Washington Legal Researcher's Deskbook 3d, pp. 211-234, 2002
25 Pages Posted: 25 May 2013
Date Written: 2002
Within Washington State are 36 Indian tribes (28 federally recognized), 2.6 million acres of tribal land, and over 100,000 Native American residents, so many Washington lawyers encounter Indian law in their practices. Disputes concerning Indians, tribes, or Indian trust lands often involve complex jurisdictional issues and a combination of federal, tribal, or state law.
Keywords: legal research, Indian law, Native Americans, Indians, Washington State
Suggested Citation: Suggested Citation
Hazelton, Penny A. and Hazelton, Penny A., Indian Law Research in Washington (2002). Washington Legal Researcher's Deskbook 3d, pp. 211-234, 2002, University of Washington School of Law Research Paper, Available at SSRN:
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