Beyond Nudges: Tools of a Choice Architecture

18 Pages Posted: 13 Jul 2013

See all articles by Eric J. Johnson

Eric J. Johnson

Columbia University - Columbia Business School, Marketing

Suzzane Shu

University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA)

Benedict G. C. Dellaert

Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR) - Erasmus School of Economics (ESE); Erasmus Research Institute of Management (ERIM)

Craig R. Fox

University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) - Anderson School of Management

Daniel G. Goldstein

Microsoft Corporation - Microsoft Research, New York City

Gerald Haeubl


Richard P. Larrick

Duke University - Fuqua School of Business

John W. Payne

Duke University - Marketing

Ellen Peters

Ohio State University - Psychology Department; Decision Research; University of Oregon

David Schkade

University of California, San Diego

Brian Wansink

Retired - Cornell University

Elke U. Weber

Princeton University - Department of Psychology

Date Written: June 11, 2013


The way a choice is presented influences what a decision-maker chooses.This paper outlines the tools available to choice architects, that is anyone who present people with choices. We divide these tools into two categories: those used in structuring the choice task and those used in describing the choice options. Tools for structuring the choice task address the idea of what to present to decision-makers, and tools for describing the choice options address the idea of how to present it. We discuss implementation issues in using choice architecture tools, including individual differences and errors in evaluation of choice outcomes. Finally, this paper presents a few applications that illustrate the positive effect choice architecture can have on real-world decisions.

Keywords: Choice architecture, Decision support, Options and alternatives, Describing attributes

Suggested Citation

Johnson, Eric J. and Shu, Suzzane and Dellaert, Benedict G. C. and Fox, Craig R. and Goldstein, Daniel G. and Haeubl, Gerald and Larrick, Richard P. and Payne, John W. and Peters, Ellen and Schkade, David and Wansink, Brian and Weber, Elke U., Beyond Nudges: Tools of a Choice Architecture (June 11, 2013). Marketing Letters (2012) Vol 23: pp 487–504, University of Alberta School of Business Research Paper No. 2013-739, Columbia Business School Research Paper No. 13-61, Available at SSRN:

Eric J. Johnson (Contact Author)

Columbia University - Columbia Business School, Marketing ( email )

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Suzzane Shu

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Benedict G. C. Dellaert

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Craig R. Fox

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Daniel G. Goldstein

Microsoft Corporation - Microsoft Research, New York City ( email )

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Gerald Haeubl


Richard P. Larrick

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John W. Payne

Duke University - Marketing ( email )

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Ellen Peters

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David Schkade

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Brian Wansink

Retired - Cornell University ( email )

Elke U. Weber

Princeton University - Department of Psychology

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