Teachers’ Feedback Practices in Second Language Academic Writing Classrooms

The International Journal of Educational and Psychological Assessment, Vol. 6, No. 2, January 2011

10 Pages Posted: 30 Jun 2013

See all articles by Carlo Magno

Carlo Magno

De La Salle University, Manila; National University

Arceli Amarles


Date Written: January 29, 2011


This study provides support for the hypothesized factors of feedback practices (feedback on form, content, and writing style) employed by writing teachers in second language academic writing classes. Participants were 380 college students in a university in the Philippines who were enrolled in English academic writing classes. A 30-item questionnaire containing teachers feedback practices were administered among students. Using Confirmatory Factor Analysis, the three categories of feedback employed by writing teachers in academic writing classes were supported (2=1409.49, df=402, 2/df=3.5, RMR=.05, GFI=.96, CFA=.92, RMSEA=.08). Results further showed convergence of the three factors. The actual measure of feedback attained precision where the TIF curve covers 95% of the distribution. Pedagogical implications on the use and types of feedbacks employed in the language classrooms were discussed in this paper.

Keywords: feedback practices in writing, feedback on form, content, writing style

Suggested Citation

Magno, Carlo and Magno, Carlo and Amarles, Arceli, Teachers’ Feedback Practices in Second Language Academic Writing Classrooms (January 29, 2011). The International Journal of Educational and Psychological Assessment, Vol. 6, No. 2, January 2011, Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=2287181

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De La Salle University, Manila ( email )

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