Anchoring of Consumers’ Inflation Expectations: Evidence from Microdata

KOF Working Papers No. 339

24 Pages Posted: 1 Aug 2013

See all articles by Lena Dräger

Lena Dräger

Leibniz University Hannover

Michael J. Lamla

ETH Zurich - KOF Swiss Economic Institute; University of Essex

Date Written: July 30, 2013


In this paper we explore the degree of anchoring of consumers’ long-run inflation expectations. If expectations are firmly anchored, short- and long-run expectations should show no comovement in response to transitory shocks. Utilizing the University of Michigan Survey of Consumer’s rotating panel microstructure, we can identify changes in inflation expectations of individual consumers over time. Our results indicate that long-run inflation expectations became more anchored over the last decades. While the degree of comovement fell significantly after 1996, the probability of a joint adjustment stayed constant. Regarding the possible determinants, we find that consumers’ rising interest rate expectations and perceived news on the monetary policy stance have a detrimental effect on the anchoring of long-run expectations. This effect is no longer present in the post-1996 period. Notably, a positive effect of perceived news on government debt on the degree of comovement emerges after 1996, alluding to a potentially problematic link between fiscal and monetary policy.

Keywords: anchoring, inflation expectations, microdata, news

JEL Classification: E52, D84

Suggested Citation

Dräger, Lena and Lamla, Michael J. and Lamla, Michael J., Anchoring of Consumers’ Inflation Expectations: Evidence from Microdata (July 30, 2013). KOF Working Papers No. 339, Available at SSRN: or

Lena Dräger

Leibniz University Hannover ( email )

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Michael J. Lamla (Contact Author)

University of Essex ( email )

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ETH Zurich - KOF Swiss Economic Institute ( email )


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