Women's Empowerment as a Result of Microcredit Loans in Bangladesh?
15 Pages Posted: 10 Sep 2013
Date Written: September 9, 2013
Women comprise half of Bangladesh’s population and — as is the case in most developing countries — are considered the lesser sex, receiving inequitable treatment in the home and workplace. However, the status and power of women has improved drastically since Grameen Bank opened its doors thirty years ago. Despite some critics, the fast majority of scholars come to the conclusion that microcredit loans encouraged poor women and significantly increased their self-esteem and self worth, and thereby empowered them. Due to microcredit, not only have Bangladeshi women gained higher status in society, but also the Bangladeshi economy has benefited from the inclusion of so many additional people and businesses into the economy.
Keywords: microcredit, empowerment, Bangladesh, gender, Grameen
JEL Classification: J16, O15, G21
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