Arguments for Court of Appeal 'Incoherent’
Ruadhan Mac Cormaic, Shatter arguments for Court of Appeal ‘incoherent’, says law lecturer, The Irish Times, Sept. 16, 2013, at 6 (interviewing and quoting Seth Barrett Tillman).
1 Pages Posted: 16 Sep 2013 Last revised: 19 Sep 2013
Date Written: September 16, 2013
I offer a critique of the arguments put forward for the proposed intermediate (civil) court of appeals for Ireland. The arguments are incoherent and do not grapple with the actual history of poor productivity by the Supreme Court of Ireland.
Suggested Citation: Suggested Citation
Tillman, Seth Barrett, Arguments for Court of Appeal 'Incoherent’ (September 16, 2013). Ruadhan Mac Cormaic, Shatter arguments for Court of Appeal ‘incoherent’, says law lecturer, The Irish Times, Sept. 16, 2013, at 6 (interviewing and quoting Seth Barrett Tillman). , Available at SSRN:
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