Interactions between Eurozone and US Booms and Busts: A Bayesian Panel Markov-Switching VAR Model

Tinbergen Institute Discussion Paper 13-142/III

61 Pages Posted: 16 Sep 2013 Last revised: 7 Nov 2014

See all articles by Monica Billio

Monica Billio

University of Venice - Department of Economics; Ca Foscari University of Venice - Dipartimento di Economia

Roberto Casarin

University Ca' Foscari of Venice - Department of Economics

Francesco Ravazzolo

Free University of Bozen-Bolzano - Faculty of Economics and Management; BI Norwegian Business School - Department of Data Science and Analytics

H. K. van Dijk

Tinbergen Institute; Econometric Institute

Multiple version iconThere are 3 versions of this paper

Date Written: November 1, 2014


Interactions between the eurozone and US booms and busts and among major eurozone economies are analyzed by introducing a panel Markov-switching VAR model well suitable for a multi-country cyclical analysis. The model accommodates changes in low and high data frequencies and endogenous time-varying transition matrices of the country-specific Markov chains. The transition matrix of each Markov chain depends on its own past history and on the history of the other chains, thus allowing for modeling of the interactions between cycles. An endogenous common eurozone cycle is derived by aggregating country-specific cycles. The model is estimated using a simulation based Bayesian approach in which an efficient multi-move strategy algorithm is defined to draw common time-varying Markov-switching chains. Our results show that the US and eurozone cycles are not fully synchronized over the 1991-2013 sample period, with evidence of more recessions in the Eurozone. Shocks affect the US 1-quarter in advance of the eurozone, but these spread very rapidly among economies. An increase in the number of eurozone countries in recession increases the probability of the US to stay within recession, while the US recession indicator has a negative impact on the probability to stay in recession for eurozone countries. Turning point analysis shows that the cycles of Germany, France and Italy are closer to the US cycle than other countries. Belgium, Spain, and Germany, provide more timely information on the aggregate recession than Netherlands and France.

Keywords: Bayesian Modelling, Panel VAR, Markov-switching, International Business Cycles, Interaction Mechanism

JEL Classification: C11, C15, C53, E37

Suggested Citation

Billio, Monica and Billio, Monica and Casarin, Roberto and Ravazzolo, Francesco and van Dijk, Herman K., Interactions between Eurozone and US Booms and Busts: A Bayesian Panel Markov-Switching VAR Model (November 1, 2014). Tinbergen Institute Discussion Paper 13-142/III, Available at SSRN: or

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