Student Views on the Use of a Flipped Classroom Approach: Evidence from Australia
Business Education & Accreditation, v. 6 (1) p. 33-43
Posted: 31 Oct 2013 Last revised: 12 Nov 2013
Date Written: 2014
A report on an introduction of a “flipped classroom” approach to lectures in a final-year actuarial course is presented. At the heart of the flipped classroom is moving the “delivery” of material outside of formal class time and using formal class time for students to undertake collaborative and interactive activities relevant to that material. Students were surveyed both at the start and end of the semester to obtain their views on lectures in general and the flipped classroom structure. After experiencing the entire course with this teaching style, student views became, on average, far more positive towards the flipped classroom approach.
Keywords: Flipped Classroom, Inverted Classroom, Student Perceptions
JEL Classification: A22
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