Adherence to and Effectiveness of Highly Active Antiretroviral Treatment for HIV Infection: Assessing the Bidirectional Relationship

35 Pages Posted: 28 Sep 2013

See all articles by Karine Lamiraud

Karine Lamiraud

ESSEC Business School

Jean-Paul Moatti

French Institute of Health and Medical Research (INSERM)-U379 - ORS-PACA

François Raffi

CHU de Nantes

Carrieri Maria-Patrizia

University of Angers - French Institute of Health and Medical Research (INSERM)

Camelia Protopopescu

University of Angers - French Institute of Health and Medical Research (INSERM)

Christian Michelet

Université de Rennes 1 - Rennes University Hospital

Schneider Luminita

Université Paris VII Denis Diderot

Collin Fideline

University of Angers - French Institute of Health and Medical Research (INSERM)

Leport Catherine

Université Paris VII Denis Diderot

Spire Bruno

University of Angers - French Institute of Health and Medical Research (INSERM)

Date Written: 2011


It is well-established that high adherence to HAART is a major determinant of virological and immunological success. Furthermore, psycho-social research has identified a wide range of adherence factors. Our objective was to assess the bi-directional relationship between adherence and response to treatment among patients enrolled in the ANRS CO8 APROCOCOPILOTE study. An econometric approach was implemented through a bivariate twoequation simultaneous system, studying the factors associated with both adherence and undetectability of HIV plasma viral load. Our results highlight that good biological results induced by adherence reinforce continued adherence. This strengthens the argument that patients who do not experience rapid improvements in their immunological and clinical statuses after HAART initiation should be prioritized when developing adherence support interventions. Furthermore, it rules out the hypothesis that HAART leads to "false reassurance" among HIV infected patients.

Keywords: Adherence, HIV, relationship between adherence and effectiveness, simultaneous equations, GEE

JEL Classification: C3, I1

Suggested Citation

Lamiraud, Karine and Moatti, Jean-Paul and Raffi, François and Maria-Patrizia, Carrieri and Protopopescu, Camelia and Michelet, Christian and Luminita, Schneider and Fideline, Collin and Catherine, Leport and Bruno, Spire, Adherence to and Effectiveness of Highly Active Antiretroviral Treatment for HIV Infection: Assessing the Bidirectional Relationship (2011). Available at SSRN: or

Karine Lamiraud (Contact Author)

ESSEC Business School ( email )

3 Avenue Bernard Hirsch
CS 50105 CERGY

Jean-Paul Moatti

French Institute of Health and Medical Research (INSERM)-U379 - ORS-PACA ( email )

101 rue de Tolbiac
75654 Paris Cedex 13
+33 491 22 35 02 (Phone)

François Raffi

CHU de Nantes ( email )

27 Rue la Pérouse
Nantes Cedex 1, 44000

Carrieri Maria-Patrizia

University of Angers - French Institute of Health and Medical Research (INSERM) ( email )

101 rue de Tolbiac
75654 Paris Cedex 13

Camelia Protopopescu

University of Angers - French Institute of Health and Medical Research (INSERM) ( email )

101 rue de Tolbiac
75654 Paris Cedex 13

Christian Michelet

Université de Rennes 1 - Rennes University Hospital ( email )

2 Rue Henri le Guilloux
Rennes, 35000

Schneider Luminita

Université Paris VII Denis Diderot ( email )

2, place Jussieu
Paris, 75005

Collin Fideline

University of Angers - French Institute of Health and Medical Research (INSERM) ( email )

101 rue de Tolbiac
75654 Paris Cedex 13

Leport Catherine

Université Paris VII Denis Diderot ( email )

2, place Jussieu
Paris, 75005

Spire Bruno

University of Angers - French Institute of Health and Medical Research (INSERM) ( email )

101 rue de Tolbiac
75654 Paris Cedex 13

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