El Trabajo Doméstico En El Derecho Europeo De Daños (Housekeeping Capacity and Tort Law in Europe)
54 Pages Posted: 12 Nov 2013
Date Written: October 1, 2013
Desde un punto de vista comparado, se describen aquí los dos modelos básicos que existen en Europa a la hora de plantear la indemnización de los daños sufridos por quien antes del accidente desarrollaba tareas domésticas sin remunerar. Después de colocar a nuestro sistema en ese panorama, se destaca la importancia de reconocer la dimensión patrimonial de este tipo de daño y se señalan los problemas que derivan de no hacerlo.
From a comparative perspective, this paper presents the two models that can be described in the European systems of non-contractual liability when it comes to compensate an injured person who – before the accident – performed domestic chores without being paid for it. From our domestic system point of view, it also emphasizes the importance of a clear recognition of the patrimonial character of the loss sustained by this kind of victim and the problems that a legal system must face, if this recognition is lacking.
Note: Downloadable document is in Spanish.
Keywords: Tort Law, Housekeeping capacity, Pecuniary and non-pecuniary losses
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